Reader Survey
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(All information gathered within is 100% anonymous!)
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Transgender Male (FtM)
Transgender Female (MtF)
Genderqueer or Genderfluid
What is your sexual orientation?
Other LGBTQIA+ Identity
What is your age?
18 & Under
What is your financial situation like?
I have no monies. (Same, bro. Same.)
I have to be careful even with small purchases like books.
I can afford a book now and then.
I can usually afford small purchases like books when I want them.
I can always afford books when I want them.
I could buy all your books at once without blinking.
I could buy you. (So, you know I take Paypal, right? *wink wink*)
Where are you from?
United States of America
United Kingdom
Other European Country
Other South American Country
Other Asian Country
African Country
Which of our series have you read? (One or more titles)
Auralight Codex: Dakota Shepherd
Dying Ashes
Steel & Steam
Beyond the Mire
Starlight Saga
Haven't read any yet.
How did you discover our books?
Facebook Ad
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Amazon "Also Bought" (You bought this, other customers also bought...)
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Received an ARC
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Received a free copy as part of a promotion
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Haven't Read Yet
How much would you GLADLY pay (in USD) for one of our books similar in length to Awakened or Dead Girl's Ashes (an 80-90k word novel, or around 275-300 pages)?
Only Free
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$5.99 or more
We've had several fans ask us how to help us the most (purchasing vs reading KU etc) and some have expressed interest in donating additionally. Would you be interested in supporting us through Patreon in exchange for short stories, snippets, excerpts of our WIPS, and author chats?
Absolutely! (Regardless of perks because I just want to support what you guys are doing!)
Not at all! (I already pay for the books, and I feel that's enough.)
Maybe, if the perks were good enough! (I'd like to support you, but I want to get something out of it.)
What first attracted you to our books?
Blurb (Product description)
Look Inside (Sample Chapter)
What's your favorite Darksbane Books Series?
Auralight Codex: Dakota Shepherd
Dying Ashes
Steel & Steam
Beyond the Mire
Starlight Saga
What is your favorite single Darksbane Book?
Awakened (Dakota Shepherd #1)
Hunted (Dakota Shepherd #2)
Driven (Dakota Shepherd #2.5)
Blooded (Dakota Shepherd #3)
Dakota Shorts Vol 1 (Dakota Shepherd #3.5)
Dead Girl's Ashes (Dying Ashes #1)
Steel, Steam, & Immortality (Steel & Steam #1)
Steel, Steam, & Sorcery (Steel & Steam #2)
Steel, Steam, & Spirits (Steel & Steam #3)
Bring Me the Horizon (Beyond the Mire #1)
Destiny Abounds (Starlight Saga #1)
How many Darksbane Books have you read?
11 (ALL the books!)
How do you prefer to read your books?
Amazon Kindle
Barnes & Noble Nook
Apple Device
Android Device
Kobo eReader
Amazon Kindle Fire
Are you in Kindle Unlimited?
What do you most want to see more of in 2017? (Please pick no more than 2)
More Dakota Shepherd
More Dying Ashes
More Steel & Steam
More Starlight Saga
More Beyond the Mire
A New Series
Amazon does not allow authors to put partial numbers as volume numbers. This means we can't tell you that Driven is #2.5 in the series, and Driven doesn't appear in the official Amazon series. How would you prefer we handle making it clear when we have novellas or shorts for you to enjoy between novels? (Using Driven as an example)
Put Driven in the series anyway (It would appear as book 3 on Amazon.) and just mark it clearly as novella on the cover / blurb.
Leave Driven out of the series and just refer to it in the back matter of other books / reading order lists.
Put Driven, Dakota Shorts, and other "non-full-length-novel" entries to the series in a separate series called "Dakota Extras" or some such and just announce it alongside our main Dakota Series.
I don't care. I don't read novellas, shorts, or other extras that aren't full-length novels.
Whatever works best for you! I won't be offended by a shorter work appearing as part of the series because I want to read everything in the series, long or short!
How frequently would you like to hear from Darksbane Books?
Only when there's a new release.
Once Monthly updates plus new release announcements.
Once weekly.
Twice a month.
I don't care! I just want all the relevant updates, regardless of how many emails I get!
If you've read any of our books and left us a review THANK YOU SO MUCH! IF you've read any of our books and haven't left a review, why didn't you?
Didn't know how.
I'm le tired. (Well, have a nap. Then write the review!)
Didn't see the review request at the end of the book.
Didn't know it was so important for the authors.
I just really hate writing reviews.
I don't have time to write reviews.
I have totally left reviews. (You are AWESOME. Thank you!)
Anything else you'd like us to know? Anything at all! What you love, what you hate, what you feel we need to do more or less of, etc. This is your open line to the authors!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for taking part in our survey! You guys mean everything to us! <3 <3 <3