Is Your Partner Cheating On You?
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We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's better to find out sooner or later. You may think he'd never stoop to infidelity, but the truth is that affairs do happen. If you suspect your partner may cheating on you, take our quiz and find out! Just remember to stay calm and not take our results too seriously, until after you confront him.
Like the fundamental laws of physis themselves, you're man is perenially reliable. All signs indicate that he will be faithful to until the end. If anyone is going to cheat in this relationship, it's probaby going to be you!
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We can't lie, his behavior is a bit suspicious, but the jury is still out. We're not ready to say he's cheating on your or not, but at this point it may be worth having a talk.
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Oh, my sweet summer child. He is lying his pants off. If you think your dick is the only one he's sucking then I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
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Well, it seems pretty clear that he's fucking other guys. But also, it seems pretty clear that you're both into that. It's not cheating if you decide it's not against the rules!
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