Staining Surgical Instruments
What causes blue stains on surgical instruments.
Solutions should be changed frequently, as corrosion may otherwise occur.
Dried blood or debris
Cold disinfecting and/or sterilizing solutions
Mixing dissimilar metals
Surgical Wraps
What does not cause brown stains on surgical instruments.
Brown stains are probably the result of oxidation and should not be confused with rust.
High alkaline detergent
Exposure to ammonia
Iodine or Betadine residue
Surgical wraps
These defects look like black holes on the surface of the instrument.
It is a highly localized corrosion of stainless steel which results in shallow to deep localized defects.
What causes black stains on surgical instruments.
When possible, avoid using cleaning agents with ammonia, and always rinse instruments thoroughly.
Exposure to ammonia
Saline solutions
High alkaline detergent
Mixing dissimilar metals
What causes rust on surgical instruments.
Do not allow instruments to soak in blood or moisture for extended lengths of time.
Cold disinfecting and/or sterilizing solutions
Mixing dissimilar metals
Surgical Wraps
Maximum time recommended for surgical instrument to soak in cleaning solutions.
Rinse thoroughly with distilled/demineralized water.
10 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
40 minutes
Rainbow multicolored stains on surgical instruments.
When the instrument displays these heat stains, it may have lost part of its original hardness and may not perform as well.
Exposure to ammonia
Saline solutions
Exposure to excessive heat
If the discoloration is removed with the eraser and the metal underneath is smooth and clean, the stain usually points to.
If pitting is observed (i.e., small divets in the metal under the discoloration), this can contribute to rust.
Orange/brown staining
Brown staining
Which of the following will increase the chance of rust forming on instruments.
To avoid discoloration of the instruments in these systems, it is important to ensure that alkalinity is being properly neutralized.
Checking water quality
Using a neutral pH detergent
Allowing instruments to dry thoroughly
Dried blood or debris
Pitting removes part of the passivation layer, which leads to trapped bio-burden, biofilm, and eventually rust.
Pitting is erosion (corrosion) of an instrument’s outer surface, which renders it beyond repair.
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