Instrument: Needle Holder
What does blue colored needle holders indicate.
With the strength of steel, titanium surgical instruments are durable, allowing you to repeatedly sterilize them without fear of damaging the surfaces or cutting edges.
Diamond Dust
Tungsten Carbide
Choose the correct needle position.
The needle should be grasped in the tip of the needle holder about 2/3 of the way back from the point.
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Which needle holder can drives suture then cut suture thread.
Olsen-Hegar Needle Holder
Crile-Wood Needle Holder
Mayo-Hegar Needle Holder
Ryder Needle Holder
Sterilize needle holders with rachet in the open position
Never lock an instrument during autoclaving. It will not be sterile as steam cannot reach the metal to metal surfaces.
Which jaw tread is unacceptable.
All jaws wear out over time. If the needle holder’s jaw is chipped or worn upon inspection, it should be immediately removed from service to be repaired or replaced.
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