Arthroscopy Instruments
What part of a arthroscopy punch should you inspect for dents.
Which instrument is use to guiding ridge scopes.
Arthroscopy Shaver
Suture Passing Needle
Arthroscopy Sheath
Arthroscopy Punch Spear
What material is use to test the sharpness of arthroscopy punch.
Single Thickness of Leather
Stock Index Card
Facial Tissue Paper
Which instruments are used to move tissue during arthroscopic procedures.
Arthroscopy Punch Spear
Mini Grasper
Arthroscopy Shaver
Arthroscopy Punch
5. Which instruments are used to in removing or shaping bone and cartilage.
Arthroscopy Shaver
Arthroscopy Punch Spear
Arthroscopy Punch
Arthroscopy Sheath
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