What Kind of Monster Are You In Bed?
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We’ve all heard about being animals in the bedroom, but what about monsters? Each of us has a creature lurking inside of us just dying to get out when we’re in the middle of the fuck of our lives. So what’s your inner monster? Don’t be afraid to find out and answer these questions for a welcomed, sensual scare.
We’ve all heard about being animals in the bedroom, but what about monsters? Each of us has a creature lurking inside of us just dying to get out when we’re in the middle of the fuck of our lives. So what’s your inner monster? Don’t be afraid to find out and answer these questions for a welcomed, sensual scare.
Your partner suggests bringing a new element into the bedroom. Which one would you prefer?
Flavored Lube
Massage Oils
Cock Ring
Everyone has a noise they make when climaxing, which is closest to yours?
If your partner wanted to do some pretty acrobatic shit in bed, would you be able to keep up?
Yes, I’m Limber
Not at All
I Could But Wouldn’t Want To
Maybe I Would, Maybe I Wouldn’t
Which of these haunted places would you bend over backward to fuck in?
Lonely Cabin
Haunted House
The last person you fucked would describe your time together as?
Finally, on a level of 1-10, how scary are you when you’re horny and want to fuck but can’t?
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This isn’t the best news. Have you ever seen a mummy? Of course, not in real life but in movies they’re always stiff as a board, waddling about because they’re wound up too tight in those damn linen strips. This is your warning to let loose and have more fun when fucking!
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Thanks to everyone from Tom Cruise to Robert Pattinson, vampires have become the sexy monster. No longer do we fear being bitten. In fact, many yearn for it and in many ways - a vampire bite is the hottest shit you can get from a monster. A well-dressed vampire who likely lives in a hot ass castle sucking on your neck? Yes, please! So what’s that mean for you? Well, honey, you’re as sensual as these vamps have led us to believe they are. Meaning, you’ll never be alone in your coffin - we mean bed.
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Thanks for taking our quiz! Get a Free pair of underwear...click here to find out how: http://bit.ly/FREEunderwear
Aren’t you a ball of surprises! Much like the werewolf who goes about their day normally, at night you turn into a beast. See, your sexual prowess isn’t apparent. Maybe you're an accountant or just a run of the mill nerd people overlook, but that’s their mistake because once you’re hard and ready to go, there’s no stopping your wild side.
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Thanks for taking our quiz! Get a Free pair of underwear...click here to find out how: http://bit.ly/FREEunderwear
Once you’ve got your feel, you disappear like a ghost. So yeah, you’re good in bed when it comes to yourself, but you can sometimes leave your partner wondering if you even care about their experience. You’re a cum and done sort of person. Now that’s scary!
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Thanks for taking our quiz! Get a Free pair of underwear...click here to find out how: http://bit.ly/FREEunderwear