The Pathway to Salvation
Lesson One - In the Beginning
1. When did God develop a plan to save mankind? (Ephesians 3:11)
a. Before the beginning of man
b. In the Garden of Eden
c. When He pronounced a curse on the serpent
d. It varies with every human
2. The Garden of Eden was paradise because (Genesis 2:8):
a. It was extremely beautiful
b. Adam and Eve put much work into it
c. It was a place of perfect relationship with God
d. It was a place where Adam and Eve could relax
3. To disobey commands of God is (1 John 3:4)
a. Okay, as long as you don’t do it again
b. Really not that big of a deal
c. Bad, but some things are worse
d. Sin
4. When God told Adam and Eve they would die if they ate from the tree, this meant (Genesis 3:22-24)
a. They would drop dead immediately
b. God was wrong since they did not die immediately
c. Really nothing at all; it was all symbolic
d. Adam and Eve would lose their relationship with Him and begin to grow old and die
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