Take our 30-second quiz to discover how your stress level stacks up against the advisors we surveyed.
Based on what’s happening at work and at home, how stressed are you?
A. Considerably stressed
B. Moderately stressed
C. Minimally stressed
D. Feeling little or no stress
Here's what other advisors said:
Most advisors surveyed — roughly 61% — reported moderate levels of stress. This is consistent with previous years.
How does your current level of stress compare to your stress level last year before the onset of Covid?
A. I am more stressed now
B. I am less stressed now
C. I’m experiencing about the same level of stress
Here's what other advisors said:
Advisors’ overall stress level was virtually unchanged from 2018 to 2020 (48.2% vs. 48.4%.) But their sources of stress were quite different.
What is your main coping mechanism for stress?
A. Exercise
B. Time-Management Techniques (9.6% of advisors focused on getting the job done through task and time-management techniques)
C. Leisure activities
D. Mindset (16.9% of advisors said they coped by changing their mindset to focus only on what was within their control)
E. Prayer/meditation/spirituality
Here's what other advisors said:
Advisors’ top answer was exercise and attention to their health — 25% said this was their primary coping tool.
Despite the pandemic and its effects on your well-being, how satisfied are you with your choice of career?
A. Not satisfied
B. Neutral
C. Satisfied
D. Extremely satisfied
Here's what other advisors said:
Advisors are very satisfied with their occupations, their lives and their work-life balance, consistent with previous studies. In fact, 81% say they like their job better than the average person, up from 79% in 2018.
How did you do?
For a more in-depth look at how you compare to other advisors, check out our white paper on this site.