What risk indicators from the Social Responsibility Assessment Tool are present in this case study?
All the risk indicators above are present in the case.
The worker is paying off debt to the cooperative, association, buyer, or permit holder, and all or most of their income is used to pay back their debts.
The workers’ debts continue to increase over time and not proportional to their income.
Interest rates charged to workers are not transparent or are exorbitant/predatory.
All of the above.
What performance indicator can address the situation of fishers taking out loans from boat owners with high interests rates, as seen in the case study above?
The correct answer is Debt Bondage.
Abuse and Harassment
Human Trafficking and Forced Labor
Debt Bondage
Child Labor
Which of the following situations align with the indicator on Debt Bondage?
Legally registered recruiters are more usually monitored and pose a lesser risk of exorbitant fees and debt bondage.
Fishers/farmers do NOT pay off debt to the cooperative, association, buyer, or permit holder.
Fishers/farmers with debts to pay should only use a small percentage of their wage to pay off their debts.
Fishers/farmers are allowed to witness the product being weighed or graded to calculate their income.
The fishery/farm only uses legally registered recruiters.
Identify if TRUE or FALSE: Policies and measures around recruitment fees are necessary in preventing workers from experiencing debt bondage.
TRUE. These measures should aim particularly at preventing fraudulent practices by labor recruiters, abuse of workers, debt bondage and other forms of economic coercion.
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