What situation in the case study above is covered by the indicator on Child Labor?
Child labor focuses specifically on young workers or children below the age of legal requirements.
There is evidence of hazardous child labor.
Employment of children interferes with their schooling.
Children below the legal age of employment are employed as waged workers.
Fishers/farmers, their families, or community members are threatened by employers, buyers, labor brokers, or organized crime.
What other performance indicators are present in the case study?
In the case, the debt of Adinda's family was mentioned and whether his earnings were being deducted to pay it off. This kind of situation can be described as debt bondage.
Additionally, the case also features indicators of Occupational Safety as it mentioned that there is risk involved in Adinda's line of work.
Additionally, the case also features indicators of Occupational Safety as it mentioned that there is risk involved in Adinda's line of work.
Abuse and harassment
Debt bondage
Access to basic services
Occupational safety
What needs to be in place to ensure that the risk indicators in this case study are prevented?
There should be no evidence of hazardous child labor.
Children below the legal age of employment can work alongside family members only if it does not interfere with schooling and which do not harm their health, safety or morals.
The workplace should implement a child labor remediation policy to ensure the child’s best interests and that they do not end up in a worse form of employment.
All of the above.
Identify if TRUE or FALSE: Part of the remediation policy is discharging the underage workers and their family members from the workplace.
Our guidance says, “When the law allows, move underage workers to proper apprenticeship positions, with protective restrictions in place, instead of discharging or firing these workers.” Their family members should also not be discharged.
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