Melody 3
What is the time signature of the melody?
You can see that the notes are grouped in 3s, which means that it is a compound time signature, is the beats are dotted notes. There are 2 dotted crotchets in each bar.
What is the key signature of the melody? (The key signature has not been written in for you).
There are F and C sharps throughout the music, which suggest D major or B minor. There are no A sharps, so the melody is not in B minor.
G major
A major
D major
B minor
Which is the loudest bar of the melody?
The melody builds up to f, meaning loud, in bar 5.
Bar 1
Bar 4
Bar 5
Bar 8
What is the interval between the note indicated by a tick and the note following it?
The notes are D and A, which are a 5th apart from eachother. A is in the D major scale, but remember 4th and 5ths are called "perfect" rather than "major".
Perfect 5th
Major 5th
Major 6th
Perfect 4th
What is the degree of the scale of the 3rd note in this melody (assuming a D major key signature)?
The third note is a G, which is the fourth note in the scale of D major.
What do the long slurs over each of the two phrases indicate?
That the phrases should be played quickly.
That the phrases should be played at the same time.
That the phrases should be played slowly.
That the phrases should be played smoothly.
What is the meaning of the word at the start of the melody?
Largamente means broadly in Italian.
What is the dynamic at the start of the melody?
p is short for piano, which means softly in Italian.
Very soft
Very loud
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