Melody 2
What is the time signature of this melody?
The quavers in this melody are grouped in 2s, so we know it is simple time. There are 3 crotchet beats in a bar, so we know it is 3/4 time.
What is the key signature of this melody?
The key signatures with 5 flats are Db major and Bb minor. We can see that this melody is not in Bb minor because there are no A natural accidentals.
Db major
Gb major
Bb minor
Ab major
What is the full name of the first not in bar 2?
B double flat
B double sharp
D double flat
D double sharp
Which of these notes is an enharmonic equivalent of the last note in bar 12? (There are two correct answers)
An enharmonic equivalent is a note of the same pitch, but with a different name.
D double sharp
E double flat
E flat
F double flat
What is the name of the ornament in bar 4?
Grace note
Across which bars do you find a chromatic scale?
A chromatic scale is one which plays every semitone between the starting and ending note.
Bars 4 to 5
Bars 6 to 7.
Bar 9
Bars 11 to 13
Which of woodwind instruments cannot play this melody?
The bassoon plays in the bass clef, and cannot reach the high pitched notes of this melody.
If this melody were written in the alto clef, where on the stave would the first note sit?
The middle line of the stave is where middle C sits in the alto clef. To work out where other notes sit, work up or down using space / line / space / line.
On the top line of the stave.
Just above the top line of the stave.
In the top space of the stave.
On the middle line of the stave.
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