Intimacy Assessment
How strong is your marriage? Take this free intimacy assessment to find out.
by James Walther, MA, ABS - Catholic Relationship and Sex Coach
Instructions: Each spouse/partner is to take this assessment on their own. Select the option that you feel is most true of your marriage/relationship.
You have a high level of intimacy. Keep growing in the areas where you are weak. If you don't know where to start, then professional coaching or counseling may be beneficial.
Check out Catholic Intimacy's Relationship and Sex Coaching.
You have a high degree of intimacy, but you still have room to grow. Renew your efforts and seek support from a mentor couple, pastor, therapist, or relationship coach.
Check out Catholic Intimacy's Relationship and Sex Coaching.
You have some solid points in your relationship, but there may be times and areas where your relationship is more of a burden than a support. Maybe you have some areas that are stronger than others, but if you don’t use those stronger areas to grow the weaker ones, the weaker ones will kill the others. Outside support from a mentor couple, pastor, therapist, or relationship coach will be a strong help to find and address the causes of your weak areas.
Check out Catholic Intimacy's Relationship and Sex Coaching.
Your relationship is in critical need of outside professional support. At this stage, it is very unlikely that you will be able to overcome the barriers to your intimacy on your own.
Check out Catholic Intimacy's Relationship and Sex Coaching.