Kiestwood Historical Homeowners Association Feedback Survey
We would love to hear your thoughts on our current programming and your suggestions for future events and activities in our neighborhood.
What type of topics would you like to hear at our quarterly meetings?
We are bringing back ourquarterly community meetings to share important information with neighbors. Let us know what topics you would like discussed.
How satisfied are you with the current KHHA events?
Very satisfied
Very unsatisfied
What type of events would you like to see more of in our neighborhood?
You can choose more than one option and even add your own answer.
Wine Walks/Happy Hours
Holiday Parades on the Trail
Outdoor/Nature walks
Block Parties
Educational Classes
Have you participated in any neighborhood association events in the past year?
Which event did you participate in and how would you rate your experience?
If you answered No, we would like to know why you weren't able to join us..
How do you prefer to be informed about upcoming neighborhood meetings and events?
Website Calendar
Social media
Flyers / Posters
Yard Banners
Answer 5
What day and time would be most convenient for you to attend neighborhood association events?
Would you be willing to volunteer to help with neighborhood association events?
Maybe, I would like to know more
Do you have any suggestions for improvements or new ideas you’d like to share with KHHA?
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us!