Which Sanhedrin School of magic is right for you?
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Introspective and spiritual, the Namers are some of the Sanhedrin's most powerful Jewish sorcerers. Not content to simply learn scripture and cast spells, Namers will seclude themselves for long periods to gain inner insight and wisdom. They hope to uncover Hashem's names for reality and themselves with rigorous study and meditation. You are a bit of a lone wolf who seeks deeper truths, and a better understanding of nature and yourself. Your worlds up the Tree of Life are Chokmah and Binah, the eternal tundra and deep cavern halls.
Famous Namers in the Sanhedrin Chronicles: Moses the Prophet, Kabbalist Isaac Luria, King David
You are a lover of companions and friends, and wish not to walk alone, but stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Hashem's angels. Each Sanhedrin Conjurer communes with a special heavenly messenger, who makes a pact with them to grant access to special abilities. If you are worthy enough, perhaps you will call one of the archangels, like Uriel and Raphael, to your side. No matter who you bond with, know this: you shall never walk alone. Your worlds up the Tree of Life are Gevurah and Chesed, the twin cities of eternal fire and deep waters.
Famous Conjurers in the Sanhedrin Chronicles: Ezekiel the Prophet, Jacob the Patriarch, Moses Cordovero the Sage
Pages. Ink. These are some of your favorite things. If you could, you'd spend all day with Torah (or a novel) and dissect it for truths and wisdom. For Sanhedrin Speakers, studying scripture is more than just a past time, but a way to cast magic. By infusing the words of Torah with the Tree of Life's energies, they can use its verses to accomplish extraordinary feats! Your world up the Tree of Life is Hod, a plane of endless archives.
Famous Speakers in the Sanhedrin Chronicles: Maimonides the Sage, Rabbi Akiva, Isaac the Patriarch
You love to work with your hands, and to create objects of meaning and power. You'd be right at home as a Sanhedrin Joiner, forgers of everything mystical and protective. You name it, they craft it: Hamsa Hands, Stars of David, and other protective amulets. Just don't be upset when people ask why you're called a Joiner. Simply explain that you join mystical energy to inanimate objects! Your world up the Tree of Life is Netzah, the mountain peaks of creation beneath cotton-candy clouds.
Famous Joiners in the Sanhedrin Chronicles: Judah Leow of Prauge, creator of the Golem, King Solomon, architect of the First Temple, King Herod of Judea.
You are devoted to Tikkun Olam, the healing of the world. Literally. Your magical energies and talents are devoted to healing magic, curing everything from a headache to exhaustion to a festering demonic bite. Study long and hard enough, and you may learn the secrets to creating manna, the magical bread that sustained the Israelites as they wandered the desert. Your world up the Tree of Life is Tiferet, a lush grove of all that's green.
Famous Menders in the Sanhedrin Chronicles: Queen Esther, Pioneer Frances Wisebart Jacobs, Abraham the Patriach