What's Your Brand Archetype
Are you the Hero? Maybe you're an Outlaw. Knowing who you are will help you connect to your target client.
Here’s to the artists, the innovators, the dreamers. The creators give form to a vision and develop new concepts and approaches; they lead with creativity and can create structures that influence culture and society.
As Mr. Rogers once said, “look for the helpers” – the Caregiver looks to help and do things for others with compassion and generosity. Their altruism knows no bounds and they tend to see the whole as more than the sum of its parts. Are you constantly looking for ways to help others? Then you might be a Caretaker.
The Ruler is the role model... but with a twist. Different than the Hero, the Ruler leads with authority and seeks a prosperous and harmonious kingdom in all that they do. In the end, it’s all about power whether yielded for good or ill.
These are your optimists; the romantic dreamers that look to do the right thing through faith and optimism, pushing towards one goal: to be happy. The Innocent seeks a mystical sense of openness that comes from values and integrity, and an idyllic state of happiness derived from simplicity.
“Not all who wander are lost.” The Explorers are always seeking a better, more authentic, more fulfilling life. Through travel, being in nature, experiencing other cultures and exploring the world, the Explorers are always trying to become fulfilled by seeking their own individuality and realizing their own unique destiny.
Teacher. Philosopher. Advisor. Expert. Scholar. These are all examples of the Sage – those who use intelligence and analysis to understand the world. The Sage seeks out knowledge and information, and completely understands the process of thinking something through. The ultimate goal is becoming an expert; a wise master who can help guide others and find absolute truth.
The joker. The clown. The comedian. The entertainer. The Jester is the person looking to have a great time and lighten up the world. They see life as a game, and experience in the moment with a massive capacity for joy. That person who always makes you laugh and seems to have a never-ending sense of humor? They’re a Jester.
The Everyperson is someone who can get along with all types of people, and who can fit in almost anywhere. They believe every person has a natural dignity, and they want to join, connect, and fit in with everybody. They’re the person next door, the realist, the good neighbor with a solid dose of empathy and a lack of pretense.
The Lover is driven by a passion for romance or pleasure, and they love being in love; with people, relationships, work, experiences, and their surroundings. They seek to become more attractive – physically and emotionally – and live their life with passionate gratitude, appreciation, and commitment.
The most recognizable archetype of them all because we’ve told their stories for millennia. Superman, Thor, Batman, Lancelot, Neil Armstrong, George Washington and Rocky Balboa to name a few. A Hero leads through competency and courage (rather than through authority like the Ruler) and looks to make a difference to those they’re leading and to the world.
These are the iconoclastic misfits who look to tear down what is not working and challenge the status quo. They seek to disrupt and shock through their sense of outrageous radical freedom. Although often connoted negatively, the Outlaw can be an instrumental change agent for good that forces society or culture out of a rut, and into evolution and reinvention.
Often the archetype of the visionary innovator, the Magician seeks to make dreams come true. They seek magical moments and experiences of transformation, and often shock and amaze us with what they’re able to do. These are the people who can see an expanded sense of possibility and take us beyond our wildest dreams.