Kerb Ramps
What is a kerb ramp?
Sloped transitions that connect footpaths to roads and other surfaces that are higher up
Raised platforms that provide additional space for pedestrians
Features added to the edge of the pavement to enhance visibility for drivers
Which one is NOT a kerb ramp?
The image depicted is a kerb but does not have a slope to ensure a smooth transition from the kerb to the road.
(Note: If you come across something like this where there should be a kerb ramp then you will categorise this as 'Kerb Ramp Not Present'
Answer 1
Answer 2
Answer 3
What does the 'r' stand for in the measurements?
When noting the measurements of the kerb ramp, follow the number with a 'f' indicating footpath, and an 'r' indicating the roadside
How do you subcategorise the pins?
When subcategorising the kerb ramps, find the difference by adding the two numbers together. This number will be what you categorise. For example, if you have 3.2f, 2.2r then you will add them together to get 5.4. This will be subcategorised into the 3.0-5.9 degree subfolder.
The difference of the two numbers which is the biggest number minus the smallest number
The total of the two numbers which is both numbers added together
The biggest number
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