What's My Prakriti?

Take this quiz to understand your unique Prakriti (body constitution) as per Ayurveda.

It is important to emphasise that each constitution is unique. Permutations and combinations of doshas and their particular qualities account for numerous different combinations which result in unique physical, mental and emotional constitutions. Just as no two fingerprints are the same, likewise no two Prakriti’s are the same. Even though we are all made of the same elements, doshas and their qualities, they always manifest themselves in varying amounts, forming a unique Prakriti.

It is extremely valuable for you to have an understanding of all of the three doshas, because at some point, you will work with all three in their own unique way, at different times of the year or through the different stages of your life. This questionnaire ( and the many that are out there ) serve as a great introduction to Ayurveda. The doshas are based on the five great elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether. By taking the questionnaire, you'll learn more about how the doshas create and influence the mental, physical and emotional aspects of your being.

It's important to remember that the questionnaire is just a tool for assessing your Ayurvedic constitution, and the results are not definitive. They can give you an idea of your prominent doshas and any potential health imbalances, but they may not always be accurate or clear; this is largely due to how well and/or honest you are with yourself. Use the results as a learning opportunity, rather than becoming too attached or identified with them.

Keep in mind that you should not identify yourself solely with your dosha. Even though certain tendencies and characteristics might be associated with your primary dosha, it is possible to grow and change as a person. Our personalities and physical bodies can evolve over time. Therefore, it is best not to become too fixated on your dosha and instead focus on your overall health and well-being.

If you require more clarity regarding your constitution (Prakriti) and your current health status (Vikrti), It’s best to engage a practitioner for a health consultation before embarking on any treatment. Health consultations entail a thorough assessment of your constitution, medical history, family history, current imbalances, and overall emotional, physical, and mental state.

It's also important to note that most people will have a predominance of two dosha's in their constitution. This is a very basic algorithm so the quiz will select the most dominant dosha. As a general rule, you will find balance by following the pacifying diet and practices that predominate your make-up.

Select one answer from each category of traits that best describe you.

You can do this questionnaire twice.

1. To determine your Prakriti, your unique constitution at conception, select answers you identify most with throughout your life.

2. To get a sense of your vikriti, your current health status, retake the questionnaire, and answer based on how you feel now and in the recent past. Your answers may be similar or very different. From here we can get an idea of where you may or may not be in balance.
