Client Feedback
Thank you for hiring J Zimmer Style Personal Styling and Fashion Consulting. As the CEO and lead stylist I am constantly evaluating my services to make sure they best serve my clients. I couldn't do that without honest feedback from you.
I am happy with the services I received.
100% agree
Mostly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Disagree
How likely are you to hire J Zimmer Style again?
Will definitely hire again
I want to become a subscription client
Would like to but not sure I can afford it
Not sure if I will hire again
Probably wont hire again
Not likely
How likely are you to refer J Zimmer Style again?
I will definitely be telling people
If it comes up organically I will
If it comes up organically I might
Probably wont refer anyone because I don't want people to know I worked with a stylist
Probably wont refer because I don't see value the services so can't recommend to others
Definitely wont be referring anyone
I really felt the stylist listened to me and what I wanted.
Strongly Agree
Mostly Agree
Somewhat Agree
I felt the service pricing was fair.
Agree but worth more
Somewhat Agree
I felt the services were delivered in a timely manner.
If stylist did a closet detox, how happy are you with the results? Select N/A if you did not use this service.
Very happy
Results were ok
Not happy with the results
If you shopped in person with the stylist, how did you feel after? How do you feel now? If you did not utilize this service type N/A
If you used virtual services, how happy are you with the outcome? Did you purchase most of the items the stylist recommended?
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback. This small business thrives off of customers like you and your feed back is essential to improvement. At J Zimmer, a clients satisfaction with the services is paramount. If you are unhappy we always encourage you to reach out via email or text ASAP so we can try and offer solutions within a timely manner. If you are very happy with your services, we'd love for you to take time to leave a 5 star google review.