Australian Political Survey on How to Reclaim Australia

This survey is anonymous and the results will be used for research purposes only.

In the past 2 years it has become clear that both main political parties and the MPs in power, Federal and all State Governments, have been infiltrated and taken over by external groups aiming to transition our country into a technocratic, medical tyranny, in practice a vassel state of the United Nations ultimately controlled by the World Economic Forum.

As this is NOT the will of the people, this survey is to gain insight into how the public wishes to correct the unlawful actions taken by those in power. Lockdowns, masks and jab mandates are the visible signs of our freedom being taken. This cabal plans a dystopian marxist future. One with a tiny elite in luxury and us bound as life long debt slaves and subject to medical experimentation as they see fit. Not a conspiracy, their plan is quite real, view the Great Reset at WEF website.