What Class Should I Join?
At Bethesda, we believe that there are a variety of ways that people can learn and grow in the knowledge and love of God. However, sometimes it's difficult to know where we belong.
Take a couple of minutes to answer the following questions and we will help you find what class experience would likely work best for you.
The Middle Way Book Study is a perfect fit for those looking to take a deeper dive into issues of faith. Each book discussion lasts for about 4-5 weeks and introduces learners to the newest religious thinkers in the Episcopal Church and beyond.
Meets on Wednesday evenings at Bethesda. Dinner begins at 5:45 pm. Class begins at 6:30 pm.
Join our Associate for Christian Formation, Greg Knight, as he leads discussions on a variety of different topics each Wednesday. The Middle Way Topics class focuses on one aspect of Christian life for a two-week cycle and occasionally features guest speakers and unique learning experiences.
Meets on Wednesday evenings at Bethesda. Dinner begins at 5:45 pm. Class begins at 6:30 pm.
This offering is open to people of all ages and skill levels. We use breathing and physical postures to draw us into a more intentional and mindful engagement with the divine.
Meets on Wednesday evenings at Bethesda. Dinner begins at 5:45 pm. Class begins at 6:30 pm.
Want to learn more about the Bible? Join Tom O’Brien’s “Previewing the Lectionary” Course that examines the meanings and background of the readings for each upcoming Sunday.
Meets on Monday mornings at 11:00 am on Zoom.
Breakfast & Bible Study is open to ALL AGES and is a chance to dig deeper into one book of the bible at a time. We’re not a group looking for bible experts, just people who are curious about how the stories from the bible echo in our lives today. And we occasionally have bacon! You can bring your own bible or use one of ours. This is a great way to study scripture, engage in fellowship with Bethesda parishioners, and foster a spirit of life-long learning in community.
Meets on Tuesday mornings at 8:00 am at Bethesda.
In the Bethesda Movie Club, we talk about popular films through the lens of faith. Each week we pair our Gospel reading for the coming Sunday with a feature film. It's the perfect class for spiritual seekers and movie buffs alike.
Meets on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm on Zoom.
This ladies’ bible study meets in the Guild Room Wednesday mornings during the academic year, with breaks that coincide with school vacations. Participants are primarily ladies with school-age families. We use video-based topical studies with ample time for group discussion -- but we also change up our format from time to time! Themes we’ve covered in the past: God’s Grace, Using Words Wisely, The Miracles of Jesus; Ruth, Philippians, “Bible 101.”
All levels of biblical literacy are welcome. We participate in at least two outreach events every year, such as the Easter Homebound Luncheon and Angel Tree project.
Meets on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 am at Bethesda.
Faith in Action is a group for adults who want to learn by doing. If you are interested in learning more about the love and service of Christ by working alongside like-minded adults on service projects, mission trips, or pilgrimage experiences, then this group is for you. Each month we will meet to discern what God is calling our group to do, use our various spiritual gifts to execute our group’s vision for ministry, and take time to reflect on how God is at work in our action. We will meet on the first Thursday of each month at local bars, cafes, and restaurants in the West Palm Beach community, emphasizing that the work of this group lives outside the walls of our church.
Meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. Group meets at various locations in West Palm Beach.