IT Survey
On behalf of the F, C & A and IT department we thank you in advance for your cooperation and efforts filling this survey.
Following survey is for the IT Team: Vesna Mrdak, Claudio Almeida, Augusto Bantham, Andreas Drexlmaier.
Please select the department in which you are working
PC – Sales
PC – Marketing & Communication
PC – Product, Pricing & Planning
PC – Sales Admin
AS – Market Management
AS – Warranty Management & Technical Operations
AS – Marketing
Network Development
Training Center
Human Resources
F, C&A / IT
1. How satisfied were you with the IT induction on your first day? In case of 1 or 2 please share with us why you were unsatisfied and what we could do better.
1 - Very unsatisfied
2 – Unsatisfied
3 – Indifferent
4 – Satisfied
5 – Very Satisfied
2. Are you provided with all the necessary IT tools/equipment to do your job? If no, please provide more details below.
3. Please rate the delivered service by IT in terms of quality and timeliness. In case of 1 or 2 please share with us why you were unsatisfied and what we could do better.
1 - Very unsatisfied
2 – Unsatisfied
3 – Indifferent
4 – Satisfied
5 – Very Satisfied
4. How often do you contact IT for a repetitive problem?
5. Would you be willing to receive a follow up email after your request is completed?
I don’t mind
6. Do you have any further comments/suggestions for improvement?
Thank you!
Thank you