
A webhook is a method used for web applications to communicate with each other, allowing them to send real-time data from one application to another as soon as a specific event occurs. It's a type of user-defined HTTP callback or push API that is triggered by certain events in an app. When the event occurs, the webhook sees the event, collects the data, and sends it to a specified URL, which is the address for another application that will use the data. This system uses HTTP messages to push data to the receiving application's system automatically​​​​​​.

Webhooks are particularly useful because they provide instant notifications between software systems via APIs, without the need for a user to manually check for data updates. This is faster and more efficient than the traditional method of polling, where one application would frequently check another for updates. Instead, webhooks deliver data immediately as it happens, making them similar to SMS notifications in concept. They are often used to trigger automation workflows and can be found in various environments, including GitOps, and are widely utilized in many web applications for lightweight, event-driven communication.​


For instructions on using webhooks, refer to the webhooks help file.