What do you know about Elder Abuse: Quiz
Thank you for taking the "What do you know about Elder Abuse Quiz".
Learn more about Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario via https://eapon.ca/
You can take this quiz as many times as you like to increase your knowledge and awareness.
Questions or comments about this quiz can be directed to admin@eapon.ca
Physical abuse is one of the forms of Elder Abuse.
There are different forms:
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Financial abuse
- Violation of rights and freedoms
- Neglect
- Systemic violence
To learn more: https://eapon.ca/learn-the-facts/
Psychological abuse is the infliction of mental stress, fear or feelings of shame and powerlessness. It may be verbal or non-verbal, and is usually a pattern of behaviour repeated over time and intended to control the person.
Learn more here: https://eapon.ca/learn-the-facts/psychological-abuse/
Emotional and Psychological abuse is any action, verbal or non-verbal, that lessens a person’s sense of identity, dignity and self-worth.
- Not allowing the senior to socialize, including access to telephone, friends, neighbours, or attending social gatherings
- Withholding of affection, such as refusing access to grandchildren
- Not considering a person’s wishes. Removal of decision-making powers
- Treating a senior like a child
- Threats of institutionalization – “Do what I say or I’ll put you in a home”
Learn more here: https://eapon.ca/learn-the-facts/psychological-abuse/
Neglect is not meeting the basic needs of the older person.
- Active (intentional) neglect: the deliberate withholding of care or the basic necessities of life to an older adult for whom they are caring
- Passive (unintentional) neglect: the failure to provide proper care to an older adult due to lack of knowledge, experience /ability or unaware of how to access local
Learn more here: https://eapon.ca/learn-the-facts/neglect/
Older people can choose to attend medical appointments on their own, or they may ask a trusted friend or relative to attend with them if they wish to.
Everybody can report the case of Elder Abuse.
You can contact the Seniors Safety Line to speak to a trained counselor at
To learn more about abuse, visit our Learn the Facts page and our Factsheets section.
To learn more on how to Prevent Elder Abuse visit our website: https://eapon.ca/prevention/
Thank you for taking “What do you know about Elder Abuse Quiz"!
Some ideas for increasing your awareness, engagement and understanding of Elder Abuse include:
- Checking out and sharing resources available from Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario
- Connecting with your local Elder Abuse Prevention Network service about ways you can help: https://eapon.ca/local-networks/
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