Open Access Journal of Surgery | Juniper Publishers

The Open Access Journal of Surgery (OAJS) is a globally accepted journal that aims to publish innovative scientific developments and high quality information in all kinds of surgical research, education and clinical practice. It aims to support continued developments in surgery through sharing of latest knowledge, ideas and practices across all surgical specialties. The Open Access Journal of Surgery provides readers with high quality, peer-reviewed and advanced publications in the field of surgery that are relevant to their respective departments.

Juniper Publishers welcomes original research, review articles, case reports, short communications, mini- reviews, opinions and letter to editors that embody current surgical research, education and clinical practice, as well as technological innovation and discovery of new methods. The journal is available electronically and is open source with the aim making innovations and scientific developments available to scholars and academics in the field of anesthesia and intensive care. The journal employs a rigorous peer review process and employs the ethical standards set forth by ICMJE.


Introduction and objective:

To report a case demonstrating the link of LPHS with SN is that is based on IVU7 sign and retrograde

pyelography. Renal Sympathetic denervation and Nephropexy (RSD&N) Surgery has proved curable for the condition.

Patient and methods:

The reported case in which IVU with erect film shows the IVU7 sign is measure of renal pedicle stretch. Retrograde

pyelography (RGP) showed the internal renal damage while all ancillary imaging was normal. The surgery of RSD&N was used for treatment of

the condition.


An IVU with erect film and RGP detected the diagnosis and the renal pathology while no other imaging could. Comparing IVU

supine and erect revealed the IVU7 sign which is a measure of renal pedicle stretch causing artery stenosis and ischaemia. The findings on RGP

show erosion of renal papillae and leakage of contrast medium into renal veins which is the site of hamaturia. The surgery of RSD&N cured the



An IVU with erect film and RGP clinched the diagnosis and revealed the renal pathology while no other imaging could. It should

be essential diagnostic investigation in every LPHS case. The surgery of RSD&N cured the condition

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