Test Your Street Smarts Level 3
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Which of the following regulations apply to motorcyclists in Florida?
Motorcyclists are disproportionately seriously injured or killed in collisions. While only 2 percent of all crashes in Pinellas County involve a motorcyclist, 22 percent of fatal collisions involve a motorcyclist.
Motorcyclists shall not overtake and pass in the same lane of the vehicle being overtaken
Motorcyclists shall not operate between lanes of traffic
Motorcyclists shall not operate more than two abreast in a single lane
All of the above
What is the age requirement for wearing a bicycle helmet in Florida?
Although a bicycle helmet is not required by law in Florida if you are over 16, the National Highway Safety Administration cites that helmets are 85 to 88 percent effective in in preventing head and brain injuries, and helmets are the single most effective way to reduce head injuries and fatalities from bicycle crashes.
There is no helmet requirement regardless of age
Bicyclists under age 12 must wear a helmet
Bicyclists under age 16 must wear a helmet
Bicyclists under age 18 must wear a helmet
All bicyclists must wear a helmet regardless of age
Can you ride a bike on the street when there is not a dedicated bicycle facility?
And, even when there is a dedicated bicycle facility, bicyclists are allowed to ride in the roadway.
Are motor vehicles allowed to pass bicyclists?
But, drivers must provide at least 3-feet of clearance between the motor vehicle and the bicyclist. If there is on-coming traffic or other hazard, the overtaking driver must wait until the hazard is no longer present. Bicyclists are involved in 3 percent of all collisions in Pinellas County, but represent 5 percent of all fatalities.
Which passenger type cause teens to exhibit the riskiest behaviors?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, friends, especially when there are two or more are the most distracting to teenage drivers.
No Passengers
Family - parents
Family - siblings
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