Test Your Street Smarts Level 4
We hope you had fun taking our first three transportation safety quizzes to test your Street Smarts. Are you ready for the final level? At the end of the quiz, provide your contact information to be entered into a prize drawing. Contact information is NOT REQUIRED to participate.
What are bicycle light requirements in Florida?
Florida’s bicycle law requires lighting on any bicycle operated between sunset and sunrise, with a front lamp able to project white light that can be seen from at least 500 feet away and a rear lamp or reflector that is visible from at least 600 feet away.
Front - light visible up to a half-mile and Rear - light also visible up to a half-mile
Front - light visible up to one mile and Rear - light visible up to 1,000 feet
Front light only, visible up to 1,000 feet
Front - light visible up to 500 feet and Rear - light visible up to 600 feet
Rear light only, visible up to 1,000 feet
When a driver approaches a traffic signal that is “dark” with no indications, what is the requirement of the driver of an approaching vehicle?
When a traffic signal is "dark", treat the intersection as you would an all-way stop. Remember that at an all-way stop intersection, vehicles proceed through the intersection in the order that they arrived; the first vehicle to reach the intersection should move forward first. If vehicles arrive at approximately the same time, each driver must yield to the drivers on their right.
Slow down and proceed through the intersection with caution
Speed up while traveling through the intersection
Stop at the stop line and obey the same requirements of a multi-way stop condition
Continue through the intersection as normal
Can you text while driving in Florida?
Florida Drivers were banned from texting (e-mail, instant messaging, social media, etc) while driving effective July 1, 2019. Texting while driving is a primary offence, and fines and court costs add-up. You will also get a point on your license which could increase your insurance costs.
Car seats and booster seats are required for which of the following?
The best child seat is one that fits your child, fits your car, and that you will use correctly every time. Read the car seat’s instruction manual and the portion of your vehicle’s owner manual on car seat installation. In passenger vehicles, children under 13 should be secured in the rear seat; airbags can injure or kill young children in the front seat. Never place a rear-facing car seat in front of an airbag.
All children who are under the age of 8 and weigh less than 80 pounds
All children for whom the driver of the car is the parent or guardian
All children aged 5 and under
All children who are under the age of 12
Don’t be tempted by the convenience of cup holder shaped French fry containers. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that eating and driving increases the likelihood of crashes by ______ percent?
The driver should wait until the destination is reached to start eating that drive-thru meal. Eating hamburgers and drinking hot coffee are the most likely to cause distractions.
10 percent
60 percent
80 percent
100 percent
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Thanks for testing your Street Smarts. Visit the Safe Streets Pinellas website for more information about how you can help improve transportation safety in your community.