Check you knowledge quiz
Check how much you know about Deakin University and technology
Who would you contact for Student Card matters?
Deakin Central
Student Support
Which department in Deakin deals with lost property?
Lost property found on any campus is held at Deakin Central.
Any lost/unclaimed property handed in is logged and held for a period of 30 days.
Student Support
Deakin Central
Where would you go for Resume/ Cover Letter advice?
Student Support
Deakin Central
In which building is Deakin's Residential Services department located?
The Melbourne Burwood Campus offers three unique living experiences across two locations with 200 rooms available in the Burwood Student Village and 400 rooms available in the new residences. Both are within walking distance of all campus facilities. You can contact the service either online or at Building MB
Building MB
Building MA
Building LA
Building LB
Who would you contact if you need help with writing, referencing or understanding assignment criteria?
Deakin has a team of staff and students dedicated to providing study support services to help you get the most out of your learning experience. You can contact them in Building H - The Learning Space.
Deakin Central
Student Support
Study Support
What would be the correct in-text reference in this text according to the Harvard style? There are several reasons why professions are confused about the most effective way to solve issues. Problems occur in different ways in different contexts, so having one response for everything is not feasible ______________________.
In some cases, you may lose marks for referencing and citation errors, so it's important to spend time carefully checking they are correct.
Also note that this is a paraphrase of a paragraph from the text. When you paraphrase, it is advisable to include the page number within the in-text citation.
Knowing when to add an in-text reference can be challenging at times. If you're not sure how to use in-text references, you can always get advice from Study Support.
Jordine, T, Liang, Y & Ihler, E 2015
(Jordine, Liang & Ihler 2015, p. 123)
No reference required.
Select the correctly formatted video reference from this list.
What is the difference between the publication and the retrieval dates? The video may have been published in 2014, but you are looking at it now.
How to make a new rule set in PMD 2014, YouTube, Java and J2EE, 18 October, retrieved 23 September 2015, <>.
How to make a new rule set in PMD YouTube, Java and J2EE, retrieved 23 September 2015, <>.
How to make a new rule set in PMD 2014, YouTube, Java and J2EE, 18 October, <>.
Your friend is doing a PhD and his algorithms have been published in professional journals. You know his work is credible and ask him for some code from an assignment he completed in his first year. You add parts of your friend's code to your own code and complete your program, but you don't acknowledge your friend as a source.
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Using your friend's code from one of his assignments, even with his permission, instead of from one of his publications, might be an example of collusion. Always carefully check with your lecturer beforehand if using your friend's assignment code in this way is allowed. If you can use it, you will need to acknowledge (i.e. reference) it in the right way.
This is OK, because your friend is a credible source.
I first need to check with my lecturer if I can actually use the code from my friend's first-year assignment. If I can, I need to acknowledge it.
You only need to acknowledge the work your friend has published. You don’t need to acknowledge unpublished work.
You are working on a group assignment with Amber, Josh and Paige. Amber asks you to explain the assignment question in simple words. As you explain, Josh and Paige share their interpretations of the questions, while Amber takes notes. This is wrong, because you are colluding with Amber by explaining the assignment questio
If ever in doubt, ask your lecturer or someone else
Hope you learned some important things about Deakin and good luck for your study ahead
Great! you have enough knowledge about university, good luck for your study ahead