Can you guess these Southern movies by a single frame?
So, you think you're a bit of a Southern movie expert, do ya? Well, here's your chance to prove it. We pulled a single frame from several beloved and iconic Southern movies, and we want to see if you can guess what the movie is just by looking at it. Fair warning: While some of them might be a little more obvious than others, we tried to pick scenes that don't even have characters in them. Still, there's a good chance if you've seen these movies more than once, or at least a dozen times like us, you'll recognize 'em all the same.
We can't help but notice that you might need to watch a few of these flicks again (or maybe for the first time.) But hey, can't win 'em all, right? You go have yourself a little Southern movie marathon, and then come back here. The first re-do (and every re-do after) is free!
Hey, you did pretty good. Sure, you might of missed a couple, but some of these were pretty tricky. After all, only folks who have seen "Steel Magnolias" more times than they can count would know it by that Easter frame. Plus, bonus points if you heard the voice of Clairee say "it's almost time for the Easter bunny!" when you saw it.
Alright, we'll give it to you. You're pretty much a Southern movie expert. After all, a less-knowledgeable Southerner would never have recognized "O' Brother, Where Art Thou?" from just a picture of a frog or been aware that Forrest Gump is, in fact, the inventor of the happy face.