Which Chakra is Your SUPERPOWER?!

Find out which of your chakras are running the show. By targeting which chakras' attributes are over or underactive, we can target which personal plan might help us move forward in life. Because moving forward is what we are here to do.

Chakras are wheels of energy, each center containing different vibrations and attributes. They are the psychic centers within us. They begin at the root of our spine and go vertical to the top of our head.

There are many chakras that exist but mostly, we are functioning with 7 within our perceptions. They are named as follows:

Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.

The lower chakras have a dense vibration. The higher chakras vibrate finer and spin faster. Each chakra will change based on our mood and the energies that we are working with as each one individually assesses energy. A chakra is a conductor transmitting and receiving energy from earth, from day-to-day life experiences, and cosmic energies coming in and out of our body.


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