Melody 2
This melody should be played quickly.
The tune is to be played adagio which means slowly.
Which bar (measure) number contains all the notes of the tonic triad of D major?
Bar 4 contains all of the notes of the tonic triad of D major, which are D, F sharp and A.
Bar 1
Bar 3
Bar 4
Bar 6
The letters pp appear in the first and last bars (measures) of the melody. How should these bars be played?
pp is short for pianissimo, which is the Italian term for “very quietly”.
Very loudly
Moderately quietly
Very quietly
The shortest note in the tune is a...
The shortest note in the tune is 1/2 a beat, which is called a quaver / eighth note.
Crotchet / quarter note
Semibreve / whole note
Quaver / eighth note
Dotted crotchet / dotted quarter note
In which bar (measure) is there a descending scale of six notes?
A descending scale is one that goes down. We see this in bar 6.
Bar 1
Bar 5
Bar 6
Bar 7
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