Please choose 3- 5 best papers from the nominated list as 2024 "Deep Life Paper", which can represent the most important findings and contributions in the deep life field in 2024.

Link for more information of nominated papers: nomination list of 2024 Deep Life Paper

1. A vast repertoire of secondary metabolites potentially influences community dynamics and biogeochemical processes in cold seeps
2. Alternative dimethylsulfoniopropionate biosynthesis enzymes in diverse and abundant microorganisms
3. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea exhibit differential nitrogen source preferences
4. Analysis of nearly 3000 archaeal genomes from terrestrial geothermal springs sheds light on interconnected biogeochemical processes
5. Animal life in the shallow subseafloor crust at deep-sea hydrothermal vents
6. Anoxygenic phototroph of the Chloroflexota uses a type I reaction centre
7. Co-expression analysis reveals distinct alliances around two carbon fixation pathways in hydrothermal vent symbionts
8. Comparative single-cell genomics of Atribacterota JS1 in the Japan Trench hadal sedimentary biosphere
9. Cycling and persistence of iron-bound organic carbon in subseafloor sediments
10. Cycling of labile and recalcitrant carboxyl-rich alicyclic molecules and carbohydrates in Baffin Bay
11. Cyclopeptide Avellanins D-O with Antimalarial Activity from the Mariana Trench Anemone-Derived Hamigera ingelheimensis MSC5
12. Decoding drivers of carbon flux attenuation in the oceanic biological pump
13. Deep sea cold seeps are a sink for mercury and source for methylmercury
14. Distinct microbial nitrogen cycling processes in the deepest part of the ocean
15. Diversity and ecological potentials of viral assemblages from the seamount sediments of the Northwest Pacific Ocean
16. Diving into the Depths: Uncovering Microplastics in Norwegian Coastal Sediment Cores
17. Efficient biological carbon export to the mesopelagic ocean induced by submesoscale fronts
18. Employing a triple metabarcoding approach to differentiate active, dormant and dead microeukaryotes in sediments
19. Environmental stress mediates groundwater microbial community assembly
20. Ethane-oxidising archaea couple CO2 generation to F420 reduction
21. Evidence of dark oxygen production at the abyssal seafloor
22. Expanded phylogeny of extremely halophilic archaea shows multiple independent adaptations to hypersaline environments
23. From 13C-lignin to 13C-mycelium: Agaricus bisporus uses polymeric lignin as a carbon source
24. Genome dynamics across the evolutionary transition to endosymbiosis
25. Genomic characterization of the bacterial phylum Candidatus Effluviviacota, a cosmopolitan member of the global seep microbiome
26. Glacier-preserved Tibetan Plateau viral community probably linked to warm-cold climate variations
27. Global Marine Cold Seep Metagenomes Reveal Diversity of Taxonomy, Metabolic Function, and Natural Products
28. Global marine microbial diversity and its potential in bioprospecting
29. Glycine synthesis from nitrate and glyoxylate mediated by ferroan brucite: An integrated pathway for prebiotic amine synthesis
30. Growth of complete ammonia oxidizers on guanidine
31. Hidden comet tails of marine snow impede ocean-based carbon sequestration
32. High functional vulnerability across the world's deep- sea hydrothermal vent communities
33. High hydrostatic pressure stimulates microbial nitrate reduction in hadal trench sediments under oxic conditions
34. Hydrogenotrophic methanogens overwrite isotope signals of subsurface methane
35. Illuminating a bacterial adaptation mechanism: Infrared-driven cell division in deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments
36. Inactive hydrothermal vent microbial communities are important contributors to deep ocean primary productivity
37. Inhibition of phototrophic iron oxidation by nitric oxide in ferruginous environments
38. Isolation of a methyl-reducing methanogen outside the Euryarchaeota
39. Isotope evidence for the enrichment mechanism of molybdenum in methane-seep sediments: Implications for past seepage intensity
40. Lanthanum anomalies provide constraints on macrofaunal predation at methane seeps
41. Large enrichments in fatty acid 2H/1H ratios distinguish respiration from aerobic fermentation in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
42. Leveraging genomic information to predict environmental preferences of bacteria
43. Metagenomic characterization of a novel non-ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota from hadal sediment
44. Metal Release from Manganese Nodules in Anoxic Seawater and Implications for Deep-Sea Mining Dewatering Operations
45. Methane-carbon budget of a ferruginous meromictic lake and implications for marine methane dynamics on early Earth
46. Methane-dependent complete denitrification by a single Methylomirabilis bacterium
47. Methanogenic Archaea as Catalysts for Magnetite Formation in Iron-Rich Marine Sediments
48. Microbial communities reveal niche partitioning across the slope and bottom zones of the challenger deep
49. Microbial community structure and functional traits involved in the adaptation of culturable bacteria within the gut of amphipods from the deepest ocean
50. Microbial decomposition of biodegradable plastics on the deep-sea floor
51. Microbial dietary preference and interactions affect the export of lipids to the deep ocean.
52. Microbial eukaryotic predation pressure and biomass at deep-sea hydrothermal vents
53. Microeukaryotes have unexpected importance in cold seep food webs through predation and parasitism
54. Nitrate-driven anaerobic oxidation of ethane and butane by bacteria
55. Nitrogen fixation in the widely distributed marine γ-proteobacterial diazotroph Candidatus Thalassolituus haligoni
56. Novel order-level lineage of ammonia-oxidizing archaea widespread in marine and terrestrial environments
57. Organic matter degradation in the deep, sulfidic waters of the Black Sea: insights into the ecophysiology of novel anaerobic bacteria
58. Photosynthetic light requirement near the theoretical minimum detected in Arctic microalgae
59. Physiological versatility of ANME-1 and Bathyarchaeotoa-8 archaea evidenced by inverse stable isotope labeling
60. Phytoplankton-derived polysaccharides and microbial peptidoglycans are key nutrients for deep-sea microbes in the Mariana Trench
61. Predicting optimal mixotrophic metabolic strategies in the global ocean
62. Quantifying genome-specific carbon fixation in a 750-meter deep subsurface hydrothermal microbial community
63. Quantifying the global biodiversity of Proterozoic eukaryotes
64. Rapid removal and replacement of dissolved organic matter during circulation through ultramafic crust
65. Reconciling the Apparent Discrepancy Between Cenozoic Deep-Sea Temperatures From Proxies and From Benthic Oxygen Isotope Deconvolution
66. Rhizobia-diatom symbiosis fixes missing nitrogen in the ocean
67. Seasonal dynamics and diversity of Antarctic marine viruses reveal a novel viral seascape
68. Seasonality of primary production explains the richness of pioneering benthic communities
69. Secondary production and priming reshape the organic matter composition in marine sediments
70. Sediment porewaters serve as a transient organic carbon pool at the land-ocean interface
71. Species- resolved, single- cell respiration rates reveal dominance of sulfate reduction in a deep continental subsurface ecosystem
72. Stimulation of small phytoplankton drives enhanced sinking particle formation in a subtropical ocean eddy
73. Strong linkage between benthic oxygen uptake and bacterial tetraether lipids in deep-sea trench regions
74. Substrate uptake patterns shape niche separation in marine prokaryotic microbiome
75. Sulfate distribution and sulfate reduction in global marine sediments
76. The Cambrian microfossil Qingjiangonema reveals the co-evolution of sulfate-reducing bacteria and the oxygenation of Earth's surface
77. The global distribution and climate resilience of marine heterotrophic prokaryotes
78. Thermophilic Hadarchaeota grow on long-chain alkanes in syntrophy with methanogens
79. Unraveling abiotic organic synthesis pathways in the mafic crust of mid- ocean ridges
80. Unveiling unique microbial nitrogen cycling and nitrification driver in coastal Antarctica
81. Using artificial intelligence to documentthe hidden RNA virosphere
82. Viral metagenome reveals microbial hosts and the associated antibiotic resistome on microplastics
83. Volcanic ash alteration triggers active sedimentary lithium cycling: Insights from lithium isotopic compositions of pore fluids and sediments in the Hikurangi subduction zone