Melody 1
The key of this melody should be Eb major. How many flats does this key signature contain?
What are the flats in the key signature of Eb major, and in what order?
Remember, the order of the flats in the key signature should always be the same.
A, B, E
B, E, A
B, E, D
D, A, E
What is the time signature of the piece?
There are four crotchet beats in each bar.
In which bar are there tied notes?
Tied notes are notes of the same pitch that are to be played together as one continuous note.
The interesting thing about the highest and lowest notes is that they're the same_____ but different _____.
Both the highest and lowest notes are an E, but they are two octaves apart.
length / pitches
pitch / lengths
length / octaves
note / octaves
What does "andante con moto" mean?
Andante means walking pace, and con moto means with movement.
walking pace with movement
Slow walking pace
Loud walking pace
What does the "crotchet = 90" sign at the beginning of the music mean?
The sign is sometimes included at the start of a piece to tell the performer how fast the music should be played. The number tells you how many beats per minute the melody should be played. You can check this on a metronome.
There are 90 crotchets in the melody.
The speed should be 90 crotchet beats per minute.
There are 90 bars in the melody
The melody takes 90 seconds to play.
Where in the melody are there three notes next to each other which make up the tonic triad of Eb major (assuming the key signature were drawn in)?
The notes of the tonic triad of Eb major are Eb, G and Bb, which are found next to each other at the end of bar 2.
Bar 2
Bar 4
Bar 6
Bar 7
Answer 5
In which bar is there an accidental?
In bar 7 there is a B natural, which is an accidental assuming a key of Eb major.
Bar 2
Bar 5
Bar 6
Bar 7
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Now try the quiz for Melody 2.
Now try the quiz for Melody 2.