Visitor Feedback Survey
Hi there! Your feedback helps to shape what we do at RR HQ. Thank you for taking a moment to share your thoughts and helping us to improve our visitor experience.
It will help us to shape the next steps of our exciting restoration project.
It will help us to shape the next steps of our exciting restoration project.
How would you rate your overall visit?
5 stars - Excellent
4 stars - Good
3 stars - Ok
2 stars - Not good
1 star - Bad
What was your initial impression of The Retreat and our facilities?
5 stars - Excellent
4 stars - Good
3 stars - Ok
2 stars - Not good
1 star - Bad
What is the reason for your visit?
Visiting as a Volunteer
Visiting as a Supporter
Visiting as a Beneficiary
Visiting as a Professional
If you are visiting as a Beneficiary Family - How would you rate the level of support you received today?
5 stars - Excellent
4 stars - Good
3 stars - Ok
2 stars - Not good
1 star - Bad
Not Applicable
If you are visiting as a Beneficiary Family - Were the premises suitable for your needs?
Not Applicable
What was the best thing about your visit?
Do you have any ideas or suggestions about how we can improve?
Thank you for your feedback, we are forever grateful!