What Does Your Masturbation Style Say About You?
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Horny as hell and no one's around? No problem! That's why we have the wonderful world of masturbation. We all do it but how we do it reveals more about us than we could ever know. Who would've thought the thing you discovered as a teen would be the thing that said the most about your personality? Crazy, right? Well, it's time to see what your masturbation style says about who you are on the inside.Horny as hell and no one's around? No problem! That's why we have the wonderful world of masturbation. We all do it but how we do it reveals more about us than we could ever know. Who would've thought the thing you discovered as a teen would be the thing that said the most about your personality? Crazy, right? Well, it's time to see what your masturbation style says about who you are on the inside.
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Most people get over being squeamish over sex scenes in movies when they're 15. Not you. You blush at the mere thought of someone seeing your bare abs. It's not your fault. You were raised in a very old school household and have yet to have your sexual awakening yet. Next time you get the urge to jerk off, find the raunchiest porn and shoot your shot...literally.
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Your reflection is your best friend and you aren't ashamed of that. When you go out, it's like you're a Kardashian because everyone wants to keep up with you. While you are a hottie, you should take some time to think about someone other than yourself every once in a while.
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Your name may as well be Peter Pan because you're never growing up. The world is a joke and you're always laughing. It can be endearing but at the same time, sometimes you've got to act your age.
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Guys are constantly sliding into your DMs because hello, you're the total package. Brains, beauties and the balls to boot. YAS!
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