What type of financial attitude do you have?

The following quiz is informed by your thoughts, feelings, behaviours and history with money to determine your current attitude towards finance. You can learn more about why your financial attitude is linked to your financial wellness by watching this video. The results are presented as sex working characters who embody a financial attitude.

Some experts have argued that your financial attitude is more of an indication of financial wellbeing than the actual size of your income.

The two axes upon which we can think, feel and act on finance can be simplified to 'good/bad' and 'safe/risky'. Understanding where you sit between these axes can help you identify the inherent strengths and weakness with your current mindset. With this insight, you are better equipped to play to your strength and cultivate a 'master' attitude. You can view this concept here.

Before you begin this exciting journey of self-discovery, please keep in mind that Bigger Sister Channel's goal is not to label people. Our financial attitudes are complex and dynamic, we are never only one type. This quiz just helps us make sense and frame our own understanding of ourselves.

Also, while this quiz was designed with great care and attention, it is not a professional assessment. So, have fun with it and don't take the results too seriously.
