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A personal development must, jammed packed with adventure, spirituality, and peaceful reflection. Travel with like-minded individuals on this epic adventure for the body and the soul.
With your fascination of historical legends, the Knights Templar is the perfect route for you. Discover their roots as you explore Portugal and learn all about their oath, initiation, and symbolism.
Four types of incredible history are compiled into this one fantastic tour. Learn about the Sacred American Covenant made with God long ago, including with the United States, Book of Mormon Peoples, the Restored Church, and even the Knights Templar!
You are the kind of person that loves to soak up the sun, enjoy thrilling activities, and give back to those around you. This Humanitarian Vacation is the perfect blend of service and fun, with 5 different projects and beach front resort accommodations, what could be a better vacation?
This tour explores the major art and culture of Italy, while dipping into the faith that motivated infamous masterpieces. This itinerary is the perfect blend between jam-packed, and relaxed. Each city leaves you with plenty of time for free exploration and personal activities after group guided touring. Don't miss out on an incredible tour with incredible cuisine!
This classic tour is perfect for families, individuals, and couples who want to bond over sacred sites. Enjoy the amazing Nauvoo and British Pageants, feel the spirit at each and every site, and participate in Amish and Mennonite culture as we travel the mid-west. If you are ready to take your spirituality back in time, this is the tour for you!
If you are a lover of the bible, hidden history, traditions, and constroversy, this is the tour for you. Have you ever heard the legends of Jesus Christ growing up in Ancient Britain? With his uncle, Joseph of Arimethea, owning a tin business in the region, it's not hard to imagine. And what's more, tradition holds that Jesus and Mary Magdalene met and were married there before his return to Israel. Want to learn more about the Traditions of Christ in Ancient Britain?
If Book of Mormon Evidence and ancient histories is your name, Tunisia, Malta, & Southern Italy is your game. Learn about the Phoenician people, the journey of Mulek and his people from Tunisia to the Promised Land, Knights Templar Traiditons in Malta, and lesser-explored cities in Italy. This unique blend cannot be found anywhere else.
Biblical figures, ancient ruins, cruising isles, and hill top monasteries merge together to create this epic tour. Learn about the Apostle Paul and his missionary journeys, influence, and life in this guided blend bus rides and cruising. If you like to learn, uncover, and explore, this is your tour.
A must see for anyone in love with history, spritual beginnings, traditions of the Knights Templar, or culture. The Holy Land has it all, and can be found on almost any bucket list. Why wait any longer to check it off? Explore this wonderous marvel with us!