Well, You are a Newbie!
It seems you are just starting out. Your effort is commendable though.
No worries, there are a lot of resources available to get you up to speed. If you haven't done so already, you may want to view some videos on YouTube's Game Caddie Channel or read some of the posts on the Game Caddie website.
Awesome! You are Experienced!
You definitely have some understanding of how the Game Caddie works. However, to master it, you may need to spend more time using it. Good luck!
Whoa! You are a Game Caddie Pro!
That's some great score!
You have a solid understanding of how to use the Game Caddie. There may be a few things you aren't clear on, but not much. Keep on playing and share your experiences with others. The success of the Game Caddie depends on people like you to spread the word.