Are You a Love-Maker or Just a Decent Fuck?
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While the goal is (usually) just to bust a nut, the journey to the climax can be different for everyone. Some gays prefer instant gratification; skip all of the formalities, lets just get straight to the pumping and dumping. While others like more of a vibe and some sensuality associated with their dick down. But are you aware of the type of energy that you’re bringing to the bedroom? Or gym shower stall. Or parking lot. Or that one spot in Runyon Canyon. You get the point! While sex can take place anywhere, what experience are you delivering? A love maker delivers a heightened sexual experience (in my opinion), and a decent fuck delivers the scratch to your itch. But again, both serve their purpose. Which one are you? Take our quiz to find out if you’re a love maker or just a decent fuck.
You're not only into lovemaking but you're a considerate lover! And yes, casual sex can enter the realm of lovemaking — it isn't solely reserved for relationships. You're down to spend both quality and intimate time with someone. You want them to feel good just as much as you wish to.
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You're just showing up with no expectations. You neither are into lovemaking or even deemed a good lay. Chances are, you're someone's last or most convenient option for the day.
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There's potential for you. But maybe you're not interested in that romantic stuff. Busting your nut is the only thing you care about and that's fine. You can be a selfish sex acquaintance at times but the dick/ass is so good that people put up with it.
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