Biomed Grid | Associate Editor Guidelines

Associate Editor Guidelines

The below are the guidelines that assist our Associate Editors to maintain the essential practical information for publishing articles.

  • The Associate Editors are responsible for publishing quality manuscripts received from authors on concerned subjects.
  • They ensure that, all the manuscripts are peer-reviewed and scrutinized in all aspects before acceptance for publication.
  • They play a key role in enhancing the quality of the journals. The success of the journal mainly depends on their suggestions & active participation.
  • The Editorial office certainly assigns the articles according to the research interest of Associate Editors. They should acknowledge to the mails received within the specified time.
  • If the time does not allow in reviewing the manuscript, they can directly inform to the editorial office that enables to assign the article to other Associate Editors having similar research interest.
  • If they are unable to review the manuscripts, they can suggest potential reviewers to progress the further process.
  • Timely contribution of the manuscripts to uphold the frequency of issue release.
  • Associate Editor will look after any confidential data regarding the task. If the author has used information of real individuals in any of his medical or scientific records, the Editorial Team must look for written consent from the individual for the record to qualify for publishing.
  • Associate Editors need to ensure the protection of individual data and maintain confidentiality. While considering case reports and patient photographs, it is always suggested to obtain informed consent in written format.
  • Editorial board members are most welcome to give their valuable suggestions for organizational progress.
  • Associate Editors can be promoted as Editors in the concerned journal based on their active participation as well as their on their experience.
  • Based on their valuable contributions and their efficiency there is a chance to serve as a prominent member of advisory board.
  • The review comments that are given by the editors will be strictly followed, after which the authors will be requested to modify their manuscript according to their suggestions/comments.

If you are interested in join as Associate Editor, please mail us your CV to