How ready are you for dealing with HR challenges and change in 2020?
Take our quick test
What plans do you have in place to implement any necessary changes in 2020?
a. A detailed project plan with key milestones, roles and responsibilities, expected benefits and outcomes
b. A skeleton list of actions/tasks
c. In the process of developing a plan
d. Not developed a plan
What systems and processes do you have to initiate and implement change in relation to your staff?
a. Formal mechanism for employee consultation and negotiation (e.g. Employee/Trade Union Forum, communication strategy) in relation to any change management process
b. Flexibility clause in contracts of employment for changes to employees’ terms and conditions
c. An engaged workforce
d. No structure and processes
When did you last introduce any kind of significant change affecting your workforce?
a. Within the last 6 months
b. Within the last year
c. Within the last 2 years
d. Over 5 years ago
Did you develop a business case for the change that you implemented, including an outline of the expected benefits?
a. We had a robust business case in place that included a benefits analysis
b. We had a skeleton business case and benefits analysis
c. We developed a business case but no benefits analysis
d. We didn't develop a clear business case
Did you include key stakeholders (i.e. any interested parties including targets of the change as well as managers) in the change management process?
a. We identified key stakeholders and involved them at every stage of the process
b. We consulted with key stakeholders at the start of the process
c. We knew who was directly affected by the change and took their interests into account
d. We didn't identify or engage with key stakeholders in relation to the process
How did you measure the success of the change?
a. We prepared a detailed evaluation plan including employee feedback. We continue to monitor success on an ongoing basis
b. We prepared a checklist of what we expected to achieve from the change and made a record of ‘lessons learned’
c. We carried out an informal review when the change was implemented
d. We didn't have any evaluation process
What level of training have your managers had in change management?
a. Fully trained and understand the principles of effective change management
b. Have had some management training
c. Have not had any change management training
d. Do not know
How willing/open are your employees to change?
a. 90% plus of the workforce
b. 50% - 89% plus of the workforce
c. Less than 50% of the workforce
d. Do not know
How do you communicate with your employees about change?
a. Formal mechanisms (e.g. works council, staff forum or meetings with trade union or employee representatives)
b. Informal mechanisms; regular business or team briefings
c. Ad hoc communications by email or company newsletters
d. No specific formal or informal mechanisms
Great Job. Well done
That’s fantastic – Well done! You've clearly thought through how you will implement change and have a great team of people engaged and willing to embrace change in your organisation.
We know that implementing change can be a challenge when it comes to strategy and some of the technicalities.
If you need further advice or would like to discuss technical or strategic change requirements with one of Make UKs HR and Employment experts please contact 0808 168 5874 or email
Alternatively, we have suite of managing change toolkits and flexible support to enable you to successfully implement change programmes, and embed flexible working and homeworking arrangements.
Find out more
We know that implementing change can be a challenge when it comes to strategy and some of the technicalities.
If you need further advice or would like to discuss technical or strategic change requirements with one of Make UKs HR and Employment experts please contact 0808 168 5874 or email
Alternatively, we have suite of managing change toolkits and flexible support to enable you to successfully implement change programmes, and embed flexible working and homeworking arrangements.
Find out more
Well done
Great job! You've done really well and made great progress in taking steps to prepare and plan for change. Be sure to make your business case and processes as complete as possible to support your strategy for change, and keep those communication channels open to ensure your employees are kept informed and engaged, so they can embrace the change successfully.
If you need further advice or would like to discuss your change requirements with one of Make UKs HR and Employment experts contact 0808 168 5874 or email
Alternatively, we have suite of managing change toolkits and flexible support to enable you to successfully implement change programmes, and embed flexible working and homeworking arrangements. Find out more
If you need further advice or would like to discuss your change requirements with one of Make UKs HR and Employment experts contact 0808 168 5874 or email
Alternatively, we have suite of managing change toolkits and flexible support to enable you to successfully implement change programmes, and embed flexible working and homeworking arrangements. Find out more
Good start
Great to hear that you've prepared and reviewed where change is needed in your organisation. Consider how you may plan, communicate, lead, and engage your workforce and create a robust approach to carry out your change programme. Remember to keep your employees informed and engaged by communicating regularly.
If you need further advice or would like to discuss your change requirements with one of Make UKs HR and Employment experts contact 0808 168 5874 or email
Alternatively, we have suite of managing change toolkits and flexible support to enable you to successfully implement change programmes, and embed flexible working and homeworking arrangements. Find out more
If you need further advice or would like to discuss your change requirements with one of Make UKs HR and Employment experts contact 0808 168 5874 or email
Alternatively, we have suite of managing change toolkits and flexible support to enable you to successfully implement change programmes, and embed flexible working and homeworking arrangements. Find out more
Keep going, you’ll get there
Preparing, planning and executing change can be a daunting task but don’t despair. Consider how you may plan, communicate, lead, and engage your workforce so you have a robust approach to carry out your change programme. If you want your change programme to be a success, your workforce needs to embrace and support the change, and new ways of working.
If you would like to discuss your change requirements with one of Make UKs HR and Employment experts contact 0808 168 5874 or email
Alternatively, we have a suite of managing change toolkits and flexible support to enable you to successfully implement change programmes, and embed flexible working and homeworking arrangements. Find out more
If you would like to discuss your change requirements with one of Make UKs HR and Employment experts contact 0808 168 5874 or email
Alternatively, we have a suite of managing change toolkits and flexible support to enable you to successfully implement change programmes, and embed flexible working and homeworking arrangements. Find out more