From Silver Linings Finding to Aligning with the SageWithin
Every time we liberate a woman, we liberate a man. Margaret Meade
And so, Silver Linings Finding has been mastered either consciously or unsconsciously
with the recent October Solar and Lunar Eclipses and light codes. And now The Age of Aquarius is birthing the Return of us to our SageWithin. There are lots of questions and our SageWithin has lots of answers. Our job, at Saging Not Aging, is to provide the environment for sages to commune some self-sourced leaders, some remembering that of themselves and living from that place. Carol Lovell Calvert
Thank you for participating in our first SageWithin Survey. Our nonprofit is based on research and results. We want to continue in that vein with our new name, Saging Not Aging. Thank you, Carol Lovell Calvert
We are Saging Not Aging Across All Social Media Platforms for Transformation.
Carol Lovell Calvert