Juniper Publishers Journal of Urology & Nephrology

Journal of Urology & Nephrology is an Open Access, peer-reviewed international journal that provides current information of research, development and treatment aspects that are involved in the fields of urology and nephrology. Urology is the branch of medicine and physiology concerned with the function and disorders of the urinary system. Nephrology is the branch of medicine that deals with the physiology and diseases of the kidneys. Journal of Urology & Nephrology strongly encourages the use of real multidisciplinary approaches and analyses in the manuscripts submitted to the journal. Juniper Publishers main criteria for grading manuscripts are scientific originality and impact, as well as relevance to urology and nephrology, Journal of Urology & Nephrology accepts submissions of quality Research Papers, Review Articles, Case Reports, Short Communications, Mini- Reviews, Opinions, Letter to Editors etc. related to all aspects on basic research and clinical investigation of nephrology and urology on cellular, molecular, prevention, diagnosis, therapy and prognosis aspect.

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Chronic kidney disease is a progressive, irreversible decline in renal function in which the body’s ability to maintain metabolic and fluid

and electrolyte balance fails, resulting in uremia or azotemia. It is not a single disease and associated with different medical conditions such as

diabetes, hypertension and anemia; Even though it is caused by primary kidney disease (e.g., glomerular diseases, tubulointerstitial diseases,

obstruction, and polycystic kidney disease). Early detection, prevention, evaluation, and management of chronic kidney disease and antecedent

conditions could prevent complications of decreased kidney function, slow the progression of kidney disease to kidney failure, and reduce

cardiovascular disease risk.


Most patients with chronic kidney disease will die of events related to cardiovascular disease before end-stage renal disease develops.

Different studies used as evidence that mild to moderate degrees of renal impairment are associated with increased cardiovascular risk.

Therefore; an important focus of care for patients with chronic kidney disease includes management of cardiovascular risk factors and other

complications and life style modification. There is no cure for kidney disease, but it may be possible to discontinue its progress or at least slow

down the progress. At last dialysis and transplant are the most frequent treatment methods for end stage renal failure. But these treatment

methods are not affordable by most of the population. This makes the development of new therapeutic options for treating chronic kidney

disease increasingly important.