Where Should You Start Your Health Journey?
Getting healthy is overwhelming! Take this 2 minute quiz to understand exactly what you need to do first on your health journey.
Based on your responses, you should focus on creating balanced meals and eating to fuel your body.
Right now you:
- want to cook healthy meals but you really don't even understand what that means.
- are tired of being out of control around food and wish that you could eat the foods you love without feeling guilty or overeating.
- don't understand portion sizes, what to eat, or when to eat it.
- just wish healthy food tasted good.
Well I'm here to tell you that all of those things CAN be true. Watch this video to learn how!
Based on your responses, you should focus on getting enough good quality sleep each night.
Right now you:
- have an inconsistent bedtime. Sometimes it's past midnight, other days you're crashing at 8:30.
- feel super low energy and crave sugar every single day.
- feel like you could sleep for a week and still be tired.
Well I'm here to tell you that none of those things have to be your reality and can be fixed. Watch this video to learn how!
Based on your responses, you should put your focus on getting in enough water every day.
Right now you:
- almost never drink water. You may not be drinking anything (except coffee, of course)
- hate the taste (or lack thereof) of water and just can't make yourself do it
- drink some water during the week but struggle to stay consistent on the weekends
- don't go to the bathroom regularly and can't control your breakouts
Well I'm here to tell you that all of those things can be solved with one goal: drink more water. Watch this video for tips on making that happen!
Based on your results, you should focus on managing your stress levels. I know, I know, easier said than done right?
But right now, you're feeling:
- anxious about situtations that you can't control.
- like "self care" is B.S. and doesn't actually help anything
- worried or upset most of the time
- completely overwhelmed by life
Well I'm here to tell you that you aren't alone. Watch this video for stress management tips that go beyond the typical self care and actually get to the root of the problem!
Based on your results, you should focus on fitness!
Right now you:
- desire a consistent workout routine but have trouble sticking to it
- hate working out, tbh
- have tried gym after gym and nothing sticks
- don't have the motivation to get up and move (the couch is so comfy!)
Well I'm here to help you find an exercise routine that you actually enjoy! Imagine what your life would be like if you liked exercising for a change. Use this video to walk through a short activity to find the best time, type, and amount of exercise for YOU!