Essence Trial Intake form
This is a short questionnaire to gather your cat's background information and history to assist with participating in the essence trial.
Please estimate your cat's month and year of birth if not known. Please use the format month and year for example May 2017
If the breed is mixed or unknown please answer mixed or unknown.
This understands your cat's needs and helps us to match the right trial blend to meet those needs.
This helps us to understand more about their medical history and current medications or conditions being treated, as well other therapies your cat is experiencing.
Flower essence therapy does not inferfere with medications or other treatments but it is helpful to understand any current medications that your cat is taking or treatment they are receiving. Please click Submit without a response if your cat is not taking medication or receiving any other treatment.
This helps us to understand whether your cat has an existing medical conditions or aspects of their health that are important for us to be aware of. This may result in recommendation for a specific dosage or method of use.
Please provide information on your cat's emotions, behaviours or experiences in their past that are relevant to their current state of wellbeing.
Please share what you would like to achieve for your cat in terms of emotional, physical and wellbeing goals.
Thank you so much for your interest in trialing our new essence blend and for sharing with us information about your cat.
We appreciate the time you have taken to share this information.
After this you will receive an email requesting your address details and your essence blend will be sent to you alongside further instructions on use and dosage and details about the trial.