What performance indicator can address the lack of clear work hours as seen in the case study above?
Wages and Benefits
Work Hours
Occupational Safety
Access to Basic Services
What performance indicator can address the lack of overtime pay and the payment scheme of every three months as seen in the case study above?
Wages and Benefits
Work Hours
Occupational Safety
Access to Basic Services
Providing fishers access to comfortable sleeping and personal spaces is a standard that falls under what indicator?
Wages and Benefits
Work Hours
Occupational Safety
Access to Basic Services
How can conformance to the performance indicator for Occupational Safety be demonstrated in a workplace?
Adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) (i.e. lifejackets) is provided on board or in the workplace at no cost (unless self-employed).
Workers and managers are trained in health and safety procedures.
Workplace has a written health and safety policy, properly implemented, and workers are engaged in reviewing and implementing policy.
All of the above
How can conformance to the performance indicator for Medical Response be demonstrated in a workplace? Check all that apply.
Medical response is defined as the immediate medical care a worker receives in case of illness or injury. To do this, the vessel should be equipped with medical equipment and medical supplies or a first aid kit.
Adequate medical supplies are available (i.e. there is a first aid kit).
Workers are provided with medical care for workplace injuries and are repatriated if necessary at employer’s expense.
Workers have access to communication equipment.
Vessels must have appropriate medical equipment on board. This should be sufficient for the number of workers on board.
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