Have you ever taken online classes or been a member of an online yoga studio?
Yes, I have attended an online class.
Yes, I have been a member of another online yoga studio.
No, I would like to get started.
What type of content do you prefer to learn from?
Free, because I don’t want to pay when there’s some much free content out there.
Paid, because I prefer a more personalized and premium experience.
I'm not sure yet, but I do not mind paying if I believe it's worth it.
What do you think about the content MaryAnngeline creates for the KINEESI Community?
I love it, and am excited to explore it because I see all the effort and dedication she has put into the platform and the content.
It’s ok, but not too different from what I have seen other teachers offer.
I am not familiar with it, but I am excited to learn about it.
What would be of most value to you by being a member of the KINEESI Community?
The Full Video Library of Flows
The Yogi Live Classes and Replays
The Monthly Community Flows
The Challenges and Specialty Classes
The Personalized Virtual Private Lessons
The Training courses, Workshops, and Retreats
Would you like to invest in yourself, and your well-being by starting a guided yoga path by joining the KINEESI Community?
Yes, I am looking forward to Creative Flows, Intuitive Movement and a Virtual Community to share all my success with!
This is not what I am exactly looking for at the moment.
You got {number correct}/{number of questions} correct answers
Thank You!
The paid membership may not be right for you, but I appreciate you taking the time to help me understand how I can improve the experience for our community.
Please visit my YouTube channel for all the free content I have prepared!
Kineesi by MaryAnngeline YouTube Channel URL
Yippee! The KINEESI Community is perfect for you!
Click here to sign up for the Yearly Mover Membership.
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(Restrictions apply. Discount only available to new members.)