Which Essential Ghost Are You?
Enter the world of The Human Origins of Beatrice Porter and Other Essential Ghosts, the debut novel by Soraya Palmer featuring four essential ghosts: Anansi the spider, the Rolling Calf, Ol' Higue, and Mama Dglo. Take this quiz to see which ghost most represents you!
You are the master of everyone’s story but your own. Do not be afraid to tell it softly just once to a stranger. Or better still, hold out your hand and prepare to be touched. Your skin is prickly yet soft. Your listening skills are impeccable. Your eyes appear everywhere. Perhaps, even here. And when you speak, those around you will never notice how long they have been lying inside your web. Next time, try lying with them. You may find that you like the feel of sticking, of having another stuck to you for all the years to come.
You are Ol’ Higue, also known as the soucouyant. You cannot live without your fire, which spreads to the hearts of everyone you meet. We are all made alive by your light. We are all burning from your touch. You take off your skin at night to show us your big red heart. When you find yourself uncertain, listen to your chest and hear it tremble. Do not be afraid to walk alone into the darkness.
Your ability to exact your sense of justice may seem a step too far for some. But then again the world was never quite ready for you. Your taste for vengeance is equally matched by your ability to heal with only the touch of your hand. Remember that you alone cannot save all of the fish in the ocean. Also remember to laugh. It is deep and dark where you live and so sometimes you forget that there is also light. Next time try taking a nap under the sun. Notice how your skin shimmers.
You work harder than most. You never ask for a thank you. Yet inside, your heart yearns for one. You have a keen ability in separating right from wrong with your fiery gaze. There are some who may be intimidated by your magnificent presence. The ones who have not looked within themselves for their faults may turn away from your righteousness. They will see fire spread from your lips when they could be seeing truth. Never fear. A time will come when you will be celebrated in all your glory and all who wronged you will fall sharply to their knees.