What's Your Money Mojo Type?
Are you a Star, Servant, Seeker, Spender, or Saver?
Take the quiz to discover your personal money mojo style and gain insights on how it shapes you and your money habits.
This quiz is required before booking a Money Mojo session with Bernette.
Everybody knows when you walk into a room and even if you're humble about it, you love it. That's okay! You're smart, determined, dependable, professional and generally have your stuff together so you can shine like the star you are.
All that glitters may not be your gold. And taken to the extreme that's possible for stars, it might actually be taking your chance to really live that lifestyle you desire (and not just look like it).
To really step into your STAR power and leverage your potential to earn money with the desire to actually have money and nice things, you'll need to watch out for the landmines and know which lifeboats to use.
For the STAR Money Mojo type some things will send you for the latest Christian Dior handbag and spending even more than your last few dollars.
See the full report to learn about your Lifeboats and Landmines as well as the other money mojo types.
You're generous and full of virtue, willing to work hard and hold inner peace.
Yet, there is so much need in the world and even in your community. How can you possibly enjoy the money you earn when so many others are without and hurting? If you could give your way to the creation of a better world, you would.
Even at the expense of your own financial health, and dare I say, even your own physical health.
You would rather forego comforts and convenience because there's a part of you that feels guilty for enjoying them. Somewhere along the line you may have even picked up this belief about money and power and it being connected with evil and those who are sinister. You would never want to be them.
Still, you're at a point, when having a bit more money or at least enough money to meet your personal and family financial needs and obligations, save for retirement, and help others are now all important.
I know it's hard when your heart is so big, but you can't help anyone else if you're drowning yourself. Get securely in your own lifeboat and then you can cast a lifeboat to your neighbor in need.
It doesn't mean you don't care or that you're bad, you just realize you can't serve from an empty plate.
See the full report to learn about your Lifeboats and Landmines as well as the other money mojo types.
You're detail-oriented, love your family, and take your responsibilities seriously. Oh, and did I mention analytical. You love diving into the details.
Perhaps too much...
Your penchant to seek out more information may have been the cause of frustration by others and even yourself, a few times in your life. But seriously, who can blame you? What if that other laptop, or cellphone, or canopy tent has features you'd like that the one you're looking at doesn't? What if you're missing something? What if the timing isn't right? Or there's about to be a sale? How can you trust this is the best product at the best price? What did others say about it? Have you scoured the entire internet?
Okay, maybe that's a bit dramatic towards the end, but given I have a tiny bit of seeker in me, I can laugh at my quirks and can also say that sometimes that seeker skill pays off!
And sometimes, I've missed opportunities.
You've got a great gift and want to do your best and I get that. But what is it costing you?
See the full report to learn about your Lifeboats and Landmines as well as the other money mojo types.
You love to help others, give great gifts, show up to impress, and are a great networker and communicator. It's in your nature! You've also got some big ideas and are a natural innovator who spreads goodwill.
But it often comes at a cost.
It's expensive as all get out to keep up with this generous lifestyle!
You've got expensive tastes and can easily 'forgot' what your spending limits (what are those?) might be. You may even feel guilty about overspending, or feel like just pretending like those bills and your financial woes don't even exist.
If you don't open that email with the bill or don't open the envelope, does it mean it doesn't exist? Unfortunately, nope.
Your pleasure to please, can get you in serious trouble that only you can get yourself out of.
The good thing is,
you have a knack for innovation, creativity, networking and even making money so with a few tweaks and some guardrails, you can get out of whatever trouble your happy spending has gotten you into.
See the full report to learn about your Lifeboats and Landmines as well as the other money mojo types.
The bottom line is you are responsible and have a serious eye on YOUR bottom line. There isn't room to wiggle and you will be efficient and save whatever isn't absolutely necessary.
Of course, this means you may be painfully responsible at times and overly cautious. You may leave your loved ones feeling a little less than loved because they come second to the lights being turned off in every room or the thermostat setting, or even keeping fifty dollars in savings rather than spending on an activity that would bring them great joy and experiences.
I'm not naming names, but I know one or two savers and love them dearly. The world needs people like you, but not all of the time.
Being a saver is something few people will understand, but I get it. You are driven to make sure you and your loved ones are safe against possible disaster and emergencies.
You are responsible to make that happen and as long as you have anything to do with it, you will have money for that rainy day.
My friend, even with the best of us, there's gotta be a chill button. Or in the case of some of you, a heat button because your family dresses like they live in Alaska in the winter, inside your home.
See the full report to learn about your Lifeboats and Landmines as well as the other money mojo types.