Quiz: Let's Get Started!
There is only one correct answer to each question. You will have your score at the end of the game as well as an explanation to each question. ¡Good luck!
Antibiotics are drugs that kill:
Only pathogenic bacteria
Any microorganism
In normal conditions, most bacteria that live in our body are:
Non pathogenic
Non pathogenic and beneficial
Antibiotic resistance results from an adaptive response of:
Our body to infections
Bacteria to antibiotics
Drugs to bacteria
All of the above
The appearance of genes that confer antibiotic resistance can be prevented by:
Avoiding antibiotic abuse
Washing our hands
The two answers above
It cannot be prevented
Antibiotic resistant bacteria have been found in:
Hospital patients
Indigenous tribes
The environment
All of the above
Antibiotic resistance genes can be exchanged between bacteria of different species:
Only if bacteria have a cell nucleus
Only among infectious bacteria
A ‘panresistant’ bacterium can be treated with:
A broad-spectrum antibiotic
A combination of antibiotics
No existing antibiotic
A retroviral drug
Promising treatments to treat resistant bacteria that are currently in the pipeline include:
Molecules derived from other bacteria
Fecal microbiota transplantation
All of the above
I can help contribute to the fight against antibiotic resistance by:
Washing my hands
Keeping my vaccines up to date
Finishing the antibiotic treatment even I feel better
All of the above
Antibiotic resistance is spreading as a result of misuse and abuse of antibiotics in:
Fish farms
All of the above
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Get a more complete explanation for each question following this link. You can also share your results and challenge your friends and colleagues in your social networks. Don't forget the hashtag #Microcombat!